Affiliated Organisations
Affiliated Organisations
Greyfriars Community Centre provides the venue for a whole range of community activities and Affiliated organisations in the area, contact details are provided below should you wish to make contact.
To become an Affiliated member of Ringwood & District Community Association, a club or organisation must either be a charity or a non-profit making group run for the benefit of its members. To apply, please complete this form. In accordance with paragraph 4 of the Association’s Constitution, it is a requirement of all Affiliated organisations to appoint a council representative who must sign and return the completed form to the Greyfriars Manager’s office.
The £25.00 annual fee payable to Greyfriars supports the Greyfriars Charity, it runs from 1 September 2024 per club, or organisation. Payment can be made online using the form below or via BACS to:
Account Name: Ringwood & District Community Association
Account Number: 79786368
Sort Code: 30-96-26
Quote Ref: Your surname/AFF
As an Affiliate of Greyfriars, your group is entitled to:
- Room/Hall hire at 25% discount
- Hire Minibuses for your event (by prior arrangement). Drivers must have a current MIDAS certificate (please ask for more information)
- Contribute to the newsletter (published monthly)
- Digital materials can be shared via the Newsletter and other marketing channels if provided
- A5 posters can be provided to display in the centre. Please leave in the Greyfriars office
- Apply to the Greyfriars Manager’s office for consent to sell alcohol using the premises licence
- Inclusion on our Greyfriars website Affiliates page
Online Form
Affiliation Form with GDPR
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